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Basically No,

The number pi has a decimal fraction that goes on forever and never falls into a repeating pattern. That is characteristic of Irrational Numbers like pi.

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Q: Is pi a repeating decimal
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Related questions

What is non-repeating decimal?

A non-repeating decimal is a decimal that never repeats itself. For example, pi is a non-repeating decimal.

Can pi be written as a recurring decimal?

No. The decimal part of pi never ends, and there are no repeating groups of digits in it.

What is non terminating non repeating decimal?


Is pi a terminating or a repeating decimal?

It is non-terminating decimal and therefore it is an irrational number

Does 123456789 appear in pi?

Yes, the sequence "123456789" appears in the decimal expansion of pi. However, it is important to note that pi is an irrational number with an infinite and non-repeating decimal expansion, so it is expected that any finite sequence of numbers will eventually appear. The exact location of "123456789" in the digits of pi is not known due to the random and non-repeating nature of pi's decimal expansion.

What is a example of a non-terminating and repeating decimal?

Previous Answer: Non terminating decimal - 1.66666666666666666..... Terminating decimal - 1.75 The first number is non-terminating but is NOT non-repeating. An example of a non-terminating non-repeating number would be Pi. It goes on forever and never repeats itself. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795...

Why pi irrational?

pi cannot be expressed as a terminating or non-repeating decimal. Consequently, it is irrational. The pure mathematical proof is not simple.

Is the last decimal place in pi odd or even?

pi is a transcendental number and has an infinite decimal representation. Being infinite, there is no last decimal place. Moreover, unlike 1.3 which goes into an infinitely long repeating pattern, pi does not. So there is no answer to the question.

Why does 39 divided by 99 equal 0.39393939 repeating?

Simply because the solution to your sum produces a repeating decimal. Just as 22/7 (The value of Pi as a fraction) produces the repeating decimal 3.142857

Definition of pi in calculating circumfirance?

pi is defined as circumference divided by diameter circumference = pi * diameter pi is approximately 3.14159...... non-repeating, never ending decimal places

How many miles can pi stretch?

Infinity miles. Pi is irrational so its decimal representation has an infinite number of non-repeating digits.

How is pi used today?

pi is used in many different formulas. Formula for circumference, Area of a circle, and as we all know, pi is an endless decimal but technically is not repeating