the exponent
The exponent
The exponent
Lets investigate. To find an LCM you do a prime factorization and choose the factors, which are not in common raised to an appropriate power to show how many times it occurs in one of the 2 numbers AND use all factors that they do not have in common also to an approp. power. Ex 1 LCM of 49 and 25 prime factorization yields 5x5 and 7x7 SO LCM will be (5x5)x(7x7) because they have no common factors which equals 352 Ex 2 LCM of 100 and 36 prime factorization yields 5x5x2x2 and 3x3x2x2 They have common factors of 2x2 so use these but dont repeat them So LCM = (5x5)x(3x3)x(2x2) = (5x3x2)x(5x3x2) = 302 So every square (A) when factored becomes either (a x a) or (b x b x c x c) etc. Lets find the LCM of A and N where A and N are squares, but not equal. Prime factorization A = ( a x a x b x b) and N = ( n x n x p x p x a x a) LCM will equal (b x b) x ( n x n x p x p) x (a x a) <-- common factors = (a x b x n x p) x (a x b x n x p) = (a x b x n x p)2 which is a square. The rules for forming a LCM force you to make a square because each original number has a prime factorization that has 2 factors, and you must use both or you will not form a LCM.
2 x m x n = 2mn
There is no simple relationshipp between a number and the count of its factors.
The exponent
the exponent
The exponent
The exponent
exponent exponent
the answer would be exponentthe n in x indicating the number of factor of x is exponent
The exponent
yes, if you write x^n, then there are n x's multiplied together
not able to know what you mean?
The exponential expression a^n is read a to the nth power. In this expression, a is the base and n is the exponent. The number represented by a^n is called the nth power of a.When n is a positive integer, you can interpret a^n as a^n = a x a x ... x a (n factors).
The exponential expression a^n is read a to the nth power. In this expression, a is the base and n is the exponent. The number represented by a^n is called the nth power of a.When n is a positive integer, you can interpret a^n as a^n = a x a x ... x a (n factors).