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Q: The n in x'' indicatiing the number of factors of x?
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Related questions

What is the n in x indicating the number of factors of x?

There is no simple relationshipp between a number and the count of its factors.

The n x indicating the number of factors of x?

The exponent

Then n in x indicating the number of factors of x?

the exponent

The n in X indicating the number of factors of X is called?

The exponent

What is the n in x indicating the number of factors of x called?

The exponent

The n in x indicating the number of factors of x?

exponent exponent

The n in Xn indicating the number of factors of X?

the answer would be exponentthe n in x indicating the number of factor of x is exponent

The n in xindicating the number of factors of x?

The exponent

The Xn indicating the number of factors of x?

yes, if you write x^n, then there are n x's multiplied together

What is the n in x incicating the number of factors of x?

not able to know what you mean?

What is a number that can be written using an exponent called?

The exponential expression a^n is read a to the nth power. In this expression, a is the base and n is the exponent. The number represented by a^n is called the nth power of a.When n is a positive integer, you can interpret a^n as a^n = a x a x ... x a (n factors).

What is a number that can be written using exponents is called a?

The exponential expression a^n is read a to the nth power. In this expression, a is the base and n is the exponent. The number represented by a^n is called the nth power of a.When n is a positive integer, you can interpret a^n as a^n = a x a x ... x a (n factors).