A number that has only two factors is prime. A number that has more than two factors is composite.
12 is an even number and it is also a composite number because it has more than two factors
A composite number has more than 2 factors
If they are prime numbers only 2 factors but if they are composite number they will have more than 2 factors
If you're allowed to repeat factors, 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16. If not, no number less than 100 has more than 3 distinct prime factors.
every number has 2 or more factors
A whole number with more than 2 factors is a composite number.
No a prime number has only 2 factors which are itself and one but a composite number has more than 2 factors
If a number has more than two factors then it is a composite number
If a number has more than two factors, it's composite.
A number that has only two factors is prime. A number that has more than two factors is composite.
A composite number has more than 2 factors whereas a prime number has only has 2 factors
91 has more than 2 factors. It is composite.
It doesn't; they have the same number of factors.
A number that has only two factors is prime. A number that has more than two factors is composite.
Any number that has 2 or more factors is a composite number
A composite number has more than 2 factors