It is 0.625 dozen.
Well, darling, to express one and a half thousandths in decimal form, you simply write it as 0.0015. It's as easy as pie! Just move that decimal three places to the left and voilà, you've got your answer.
To express 147 as a decimal, you simply write it as 147.0. This is because whole numbers can be represented as decimals by adding a decimal point and a zero after the number. In this case, 147 remains the same when written as a decimal.
6.25 (:
It is 0.625 dozen.
It is 0.625 dozen.
It is 6.25 dozen.
12 = 1 dozen 75 = 6.25 dozen
6.3 12 times 6 = 72 + 3 =75 so divide 75 youll get 6.3
0.625 dozen cupcakes.
how to express the sum 257 and 431 in decimal form
0.625 dozen cupcakes.
Expressed in decimal form, 106/1000000 is equal to 0.000106.