We don't understand a number with two decimal points in it. If you mean the number that we would write with commas in the US: 2,247,000 then that number is rational.
It is 5.28 when rounded to two decimal points
3.456 rounded to 2 decimal points (hundredths) is 3.46
It is then 62.19
It is 6.47
We don't understand a number with two decimal points in it. If you mean the number that we would write with commas in the US: 2,247,000 then that number is rational.
Well, not 'a few'. An irrational number can never be completely written out.As a decimal, it just keeps going and going, forever. If you stop it anywhereand say "That's the number.", then you have a rational number.
215,000,000 rounded to 2 decimal points is 215,000,000.00
The number 187.96 is already rounded to two decimal places.
It is 5.28 when rounded to two decimal points
3.456 rounded to 2 decimal points (hundredths) is 3.46
Irrational numbers are have decimal points that never stop. Like pi. They cannot be expressed as a fraction of two integers.Rational numbers, no matter how ridiculous and long, can be expressed in a fraction of two integers. If they are decimals, they will stop at some point. like 0.47They can't be both. That's a paradox. Unless your math teacher says so because he's probably smarter than me. :).................For rational numbers, think of the word ratio. A rational number can be expressed as the ratio (or fraction) of 2 integers. Irrational means not rational.
Any decimal less than one will round to zero.