The numbers {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} etc.
There is no fractional or decimal part. And no negatives.
Example: 5, 49 and 980 are all whole numbers.
4.25 isn't a whole number. You can change any whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.
A whole number does not include a fraction or decimal part. For example, 3, 107, -9 and zero are whole numbers. 2.1, -17,4528765 and two-and-a-half are not whole numbers.
This cannot be properly answered because you did not say what place to round it to. For example; nearest whole number, tenths, hundredths, etc.
The next whole number or integer after 299 will give you 300
To get 78% of a whole number, multiply the given whole number by the decimal equivalent of 78% which is 0.78. Example: 78% of 50 = 0.78 * 50 = 39
Yes,0,1,2,3..... Are whole numbers
One example is 2 divided by 4 is not a whole number
An integer and a whole number are the same, by definition.
Water in the ocean is a non example of a whole number.
They can be. For example, -3 is a negative whole number.
a whole number is any number that is not a fraction 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,98,3819,1874782,28482
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Anything that doesn't have a fraction or decimal.
One example is 13/17.
It is the part of the number before the decimal point or fraction For example, in the number 5.38, the whole number part is 5 For example, in the number 6 and 1/2 the whole number part is 6
3 look at the first number after decimal; if less than 5 round down to nearest whole number For example, 3.4 nearest whole number is 3 For example, 3.7 nearest whole number is 4
No whole number is irrational. They are all expressible by some other whole numbers such that p/q = (the number), so, no whole number is irrational.