There can be no number that has more than one decimal point.
to change a decimal into a percentage you must take the first two numbers behind the decimal and that is your percentage. If there is only one number like 0.1 add a zero behind that number, and that's your percentage. If there is a number in front of the decimal like 1.9 than the percentage will be in the hundreds. Just add a zero behind the nine, and your percentage is 190%.
Irrational number or repeating decimal
The decimal that never stops is called recurring decimal. For example - 1/3 = 0.3333... and goes on. Such decimals are written with a dot or bar on top of the numbers which are repeating.
Decimal are not. But negative numbers can be odd or even.
Yes, It is. It is behind the decimal. The more numbers behind the the decimal the lower the number.
whole numbers
4.205 don't forget to move the decimal by how many numbers are behind the decimal in the problem.
They are the decimal fractional part.
always remember to count the numbers behind the decimal(s)
move the decimal down and over however many numbers are behind the decimal
You may be thinking of rounding (right of the decimal) or zero suppression (left of the decimal).
Hundredths is two numbers behind the decimal like the 2 in this: 365.1203 And the tenths is on number behind the decimal like the 2 in this: 987.201
There can be no number that has more than one decimal point.
No. Positive numbers can be whole numbers but they can also be decimal numbers and fractions. If a value is a whole number, it does not have a fraction or decimal part and it is not negative. Whole numbers are also called natural numbers or counting numbers.