yes, repeating decimals (those that have infinite - never ending - number of digits after the decimal point and these decimals show repeating pattern) are rational numbers, because they can be written as fractions.
The decimal that never stops is called recurring decimal. For example - 1/3 = 0.3333... and goes on. Such decimals are written with a dot or bar on top of the numbers which are repeating.
It is always positive, and not just for decimal numbers but for all numbers.
It is a non-terminating decimal.
No. Pie is commonly known as 3.14 however pie has a never ending sequence of numbers after the 4
Irrational numbers are numbers that can't be expressed as fractions and are never ending decimals that can't be expressed as fractions as for example the value of pi as in a circle.
It depends on whether they are never ending but recurrent or never ending but non-recurring. An example of the first is 2/11 = 0.1818.... where the 18s go on for ever. This is called a recurring decimal. An example of the second is the decimal representation of sqrt(2) = 1.41421356... which goes on forever, but which does not settle into a repeating pattern. These are called non-recurring decimals.
Of whole numbers only, it's 449. Of all numbers including decimals, it's 449.99999... with the 9s never ending.
yes, repeating decimals (those that have infinite - never ending - number of digits after the decimal point and these decimals show repeating pattern) are rational numbers, because they can be written as fractions.
Any fraction composed of real numbers can be written as a decimal approximation.However, some irrational numbers, like Pi, are never-ending as decimals, and must be rounded off.
They will always be rational numbers.
Irrational numbers are real numbers which cannot be expressed as fractions. In other words, decimals that never repeat. Examples: sqrt(2) -pi 4*sqrt(3)
The decimal that never stops is called recurring decimal. For example - 1/3 = 0.3333... and goes on. Such decimals are written with a dot or bar on top of the numbers which are repeating.
only decimals that never end and never repeat are irrational. a decimal is rational if it can be written as a fration or ratio of two numbers. for example: .3434343434343434... 100x=34.34343434... -x 99x=34 34/99
in dividing decimals you never get a remainder and in dividing whole numbers you do. +++ More to the point perhaps, you are working in powers of 10 all the time.
No and there never will be. Decimals are a way to express number. They are not lengths, or mass, or volume or time or anything. Just pure unadulterated numbers. And numbers cannot be measured in inches!