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0.57 > 0.559

0.57 is greater than 0.559 because when you tack on the extra zero on "0.57", it makes it 0.570.

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Q: When comparing two decimals- such as 0.57 and 0559 - how can you decide which decimal represents the greater number?
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When comparing two decimals such as 0.57 and 0.559 how can you decide which decimal represents the greater number?

when comparing 2 decimals like .57 and .559 the number with the least amount of numeral places is the greater number.This is caused by the places of decimals because .57 is only 57 hundredths and .559 is 559 thousandths so the one with less numbers is greater.This goes with all decimals and if they have the same amount of numbers then you take the higher number like 8 is greater ten 6.

What does greater than mean when comparing two decimals?

The same as it does for any other numerical value.

Why are decimals less than one greater than 1?

If a decimal is less than one, it cannot be greater than one.

Is a decimal greater when there are 2 decimals or 3?

Neither. The number of digits after the decimal point is a measure of the accuracy, not magnitude.

Is 4.05 greater than 4.45?

to make the answer to this problem clear, ignore the decimals for now. now it simply reads that 405 is less than 445. pretty obvious. however, you must understand that the decimals were not just taken away; both numbers had the decimal place moved the same amount of times. therefore, when comparing 56.00009 and 57.01 you cant ignore the decimals and say that 5600009 is greater that 5701. if you move the decimals in both numbers to the right the same amount of times then you get the question, "is 5600009 greater than 5701000?" the answer is no.

Is 0.75 greater in decimals?

No, the decimal representation of any number has the same numerical value.

What is standard algorithm?

Standard algorithm is when you take two digits or decimals and you put the digit or decimal with the greater value on top and the digit or decimal with the least value on the bottom and you contrast the digits/decimals to see if it greater than, less than,or equal to.

Is 0.795 greater than 0.15?

To compare two decimals, start by comparing the digits with the highest place-value. In this case, the first digit after the decimal point. Whichever is greater, belongs to the greater number. If these digits are equal (for example, when you compare 0.15 and 0.173), compare the second digit - and continue until you find a difference.

Which is bigger decimal?

Decimals are just numbers. If you can tell that 47 is greater than 32, then you can tell that 0.47 is greater than 0.32

Is decimal number greater than a negative number?

Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers. Decimals can be either positive or negative.

When comparing 437.5 and 4375 which digit tells you witch number is greater?

the last # and the decimal point

What The sum of two decimals greater than 0.5 is always greater than 1?

The sum of two decimal numbers greater than 0.5 will always be greater than 1