To multiply fractions: multiply their numerators, then multiply their denominators.
So, 1/4 x 1/4 = (1 x 1) / (4 x 4) = 1/16.
There are an infinite number of fractions that equal one-fourth.
No, one fourth percent isn't equal to 25 percent. One fourth percent = 1/4% = .25% = .0025.
Multiply (numerator * numerator) and (denominator * denominator) 1/4 * 1/8 = (1 *1)/(4 * 8) = 1/32 Think of it as cutting a fourth into eight equal parts - when you multiply anything times a fraction your result gets smaller.
NO. 0.3 is not equal to one fourth one fourth = 1/4 = 0.25
One fourth is the same as one quarter. The whole is divided into four equal parts, and one of those equal parts is one fourth.
There are an infinite number of fractions that equal one-fourth.
I don't know what it equals cause I'm figuring it out
One fourth is equal to 25% or 0.25 when represented as a decimal.
The Answer is 656
One fourth is equal to 0.25. Therefore, one fourth of a metre is equal to 0.25 metres.
three fourths
1,320 feet equal one fourth of a mile