It is -35, exactly as in the question. A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point.
35 and 6/10 as a decimal is 35.6
35% as a decimal is 0.35
It is: 35/10 = 3.5 as a decimal
Decimal: 0.35Fraction: 35/100.
eighteen thirty fifths written as a decimal = 0.514318/35:= 18 ÷ 35= 0.5143 in decimal
35% = 0.35
35 and 6/10 as a decimal is 35.6
35 hundredths written as a decimal is 0.35
Divide percent values by 100 to convert them to fractions. Therefore, 35 % = 35/100 = 7/20. The decimal equivalent is 0.35
To express 35.3 as a fraction, we need to consider the decimal places. The number 35 has no decimal places, so it can be written as 35/1. The decimal 0.3 can be written as 3/10. Combining these two fractions, we get 35.3 as 353/10.
35% as a decimal is 0.35
35 IS a decimal. And the value of 35 c, as a decimal, depends on the value of c.
If you mean -3/5 then the answer is -0.6 If you mean -35 then it's already a decimal but could be written as -35.0
35% = 0.350.35To convert 35% to decimal:1. Remove the % sign.2. Divide 35 by 100.35%= 0.35 in decimal