-5.714285714 = -5714285714/1000000000
= -2857142857/500000000
Assuming that is not a terminating decimal, but 6 digits (714285) repeating infinitely, then:
-5.714285... = -55/7 = -40/7
The decimal .5714285714 can be represented as a fraction by noting that the repeating decimal pattern is 571428. To convert this to a fraction, we can set x = .5714285714 and multiply it by 10 to shift the decimal point to the right: 10x = 5.714285714. Subtracting the original equation from the shifted equation, we get 9x = 5.142857143. Dividing both sides by 9, we find x = 5.142857143 / 9, which simplifies to 16/28 or 4/7. Therefore, .5714285714 as a fraction is 4/7.
198 written in fraction = 198/1
When 1.26 is written as a fraction, the result is 63/50. Written as a mixed fraction, the result is 1 13/50.
0.525 written as a fraction = 525/1000
3.25 written as a fraction in lowest terms is 13/4
The decimal .5714285714 can be represented as a fraction by noting that the repeating decimal pattern is 571428. To convert this to a fraction, we can set x = .5714285714 and multiply it by 10 to shift the decimal point to the right: 10x = 5.714285714. Subtracting the original equation from the shifted equation, we get 9x = 5.142857143. Dividing both sides by 9, we find x = 5.142857143 / 9, which simplifies to 16/28 or 4/7. Therefore, .5714285714 as a fraction is 4/7.
198 written in fraction = 198/1
123.45679 written as a fraction is 12345679/100000.
To express 14.875 as a fraction, we first note that the decimal point is after the thousandths place. Therefore, we can rewrite 14.875 as 14 and 875/1000. Simplifying the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by 125, we get 14 and 7/8. So, 14.875 written as a fraction is 14 7/8.
0.135 written as fraction is 27/200
8/25 is 0.320 written as a fraction.
0.0005 written as a fraction is 1/2000.
3.085714286 written as a fraction = 3085714286/1000000000
73 written as a fraction = 73/1
130 written as a fraction is 130/1
2.625 written as a fraction is 21/8.
0.315 written as a fraction = 63/200