The Binary for ten in 8-bit binary is: 00001010
It is 01101010.
Oh, dude, you're asking about the highest 8-bit number in hexadecimal? That would be FF, which is 255 in decimal. It's like the king of the 8-bit numbers, ruling over all its binary subjects with its hexadecimal crown. So yeah, FF is the boss in the 8-bit world.
It is: 8/180 or 2/45 in its simplest form
41 in decimal is 0100 0001 in BCD (this is 8 bits not 6 bits)41 in decimal is 101001 in binary (this is 6 bits, but binary not BCD)There is no 6 bit BCD representation of the decimal number 41!
56 = 32 + 16 + 8 so binary 0011 1000
for a four bit pattern, its 1100....8 bits 00001100
The Binary for ten in 8-bit binary is: 00001010
An 8 bit binary code is a code that is 8 digits long. It would look like this: 00110010
This is 251 which in binary form is 11111011.
A byte
Dear Dummy, 11011001. Sincerely, Captain Obvious 11011001 in 8-bit binary = 217 in decimal form.
The 74184 is a 5-bit BCD to 8-bit binary converter.
Eight bits (binary digits) together form one byte.
No, 0110101 is a 7-bit binary number. In an 8-bit binary number, there would be 8 digits (0s or 1s) representing a total of 256 possible values (2^8). The given number has only 7 digits, so it falls short of being an 8-bit binary number.