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Oh, dude, you're asking about the highest 8-bit number in hexadecimal? That would be FF, which is 255 in decimal. It's like the king of the 8-bit numbers, ruling over all its binary subjects with its hexadecimal crown. So yeah, FF is the boss in the 8-bit world.

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12y ago

since bits are 0 & 1 in binary then

11111111 in binary =

256 in decimal =

377 in octal =

FF in hexadecimal

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Q: What is is the highest 8 bit number in hexadecimal?
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What would the largest value in 8 bits be in hexadecimal?

Largest 8 bit unsigned number is 11111111 binary which is the number 255 in decimal. In hexadecimal 255 is represented as FF In octal 255 is represented as 377. The related link below will help.

How many digits in octal and hexadecimal number?

8 in octal, 16 in hexadecimal.

What is the largest hexadecimal number that can be held in one word?

The answer depends on the number of binary digits (BITS) in the word. The largest 8-BIT hexadecimal word will be 16^8 -1 = 4,294,967,295.Nowadays, 32 and 64 bit words are common: a 64 bit word could hold a number greater than 1.1*10^77 while a 128 bit word (not yet in common use) would exceed 1.3*10^154 or a Googol^1.5

Is it possible to move data within accumulator?

we use LDA ## where ## is an 8 bit hexadecimal data

What is the hexadecimal of the decimal number 200?

200 = 192 + 8 = 12*16 + 8 = C8

Why do programmers use hexadecimal instead of binar?

This is because a number represented in hexadecimal requires fewer digits. A hexadecimal string of length s can hold a number which is approx 8^s as large as a binary string of the same length.

The minimum number of bits required to store the hexadecimal number FF is?

To store the hexadecimal number FF, we need to convert it to binary first. FF in hexadecimal is equivalent to 1111 1111 in binary, which requires 8 bits to represent. Each hexadecimal digit corresponds to 4 bits in binary, so two hexadecimal digits (FF) require 8 bits to store.

What is EN?

An ESN number is an electronic serial number used for identification of mobile devices. These numbers are represented by either a 8 digit hexadecimal number or a 11 digit decimal number.

What is the biggest decimal value for an 8-bit number?

The largest unsigned 8-bit number is 255.

What is the 4-binary number assoiated with the hexadecimal symbol C?

0xc = 1100 Hexadecimal digits use exactly 4 binary digits (bits). The 0x0 to 0xf of hexadecimal map to 0000 to 1111 of binary. Thinking of the hexadecimal digits as decimal numbers, ie 0x0 to 0x9 are 0 to 9 and 0xa to 0xf are 10 to 15, helps with the conversion to binary: 0xc is 12 decimal which is 8 + 4 → 1100 in [4 bit] binary.

How can i Convert 487 from hexadecimal to binary?

1. represent every individual digit of given hexadecimal in binary form like this 4---------> 0100 8---------> 1000 7---------> 0111 2. combine the individual binary digits in order to get the binary of given hexadecimal number 487 ------------> 0100 1000 0111 ( required binary number )