82 as a decimal is simply 82.0. In decimal form, whole numbers are represented with a decimal point and a zero after it to indicate that there are no fractional parts. So, 82 as a decimal is written as 82.0.
It is -16.4
It doesn't. 82 base 10 = 101 0010 base 2
82% = 82/100 = 41/50
82 out of 100 = 82%
6.012 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, since it is a decimal fraction, there is not another simpler decimal form. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 6012/1000 which simplifies to 1503/250.
decimal for 82 percent = 0.8282% =82%/100% = 0.82
As the 82 are whole numbers, it is 82.00 as a decimal
To convert a percentage to a decimal divide by 100 82 % = 82 ÷ 100 = 0.82
As a decimal, 82% = 0.82 As a fraction, it is 82/100 = 41/50
82 percent as a decimal in simplest form = 0.82 82% = 82%/100% = 0.82
82 and 9 over 40 as a decimal = 82.225 82 9/40 = 82 + (9 ÷ 40) = 82 + 0.225 = 82.225 l
The decimal conversion of 82% is 0.82.
28/82 = 0.'34146' recurring decimal '34146'
82 hundreds is 8200.0 If you mean 82 hundredths then is would be .82
The decimal conversion of 82% is 0.82.
.820.82= 82%/100%= 82/100= 0.82
.82 as a decimal. 82/100 as a fraction, or 41/50