A number can be called either a mixed number or a mixed fraction when it is a whole number with a fraction.
It is called a mixed number or a mixed fraction.
Converting a fraction to a percent.
A fraction names part of a region or part of a group. The top number of a fraction is called its numerator and the bottom part is its denominator. They are separated by a line called a "fraction bar."
That's an improper fraction.
It is called an equivalent fraction.
It is called a decimal fraction.
It is called "writing a fraction as an equivalent fraction with a larger denominator"!
It is called a improper fraction.
It is called an algebraic fraction.
A fraction with a 1 in its numerator is called a "unit fraction," as it is one of that fraction, whereas if it were to have a 2, it would have two of them.
A unit fraction.
The upper portion of a fraction is called the numerator.
The lower half of a fraction is called the denominator.
It is usually called the division bar or the fraction bar
It is called a [decimal] fraction.
A simple fraction is a fraction that is a whole number divided by a whole number. Complex fractions can have fractions inside of fractions.