110010010001 is 3217 in decimal.
one one thousandth (1/1000) in decimal = 0.001
It is 0001 0110 0011.
1% It depends on where the decimal point is supposed to be in that question - since answers.com does not allow punctuation in the questions, try writing "point" where the decimal is supposed to be.
NO!!! They are equal 0.0001 = 0.00010 NB the terminal zero is trivial .
not always.. take .0001 and 1.1, the product is less than 1.
110010010001 is 3217 in decimal.
1110 0001
one one thousandth (1/1000) in decimal = 0.001
00002/2000000 = 2/2000000 = 0.000001
It is 0001 0110 0011.
97 base 10 = 110 0001 base 2
1010 0001 base 2 161 base 10
No, 7.3 is greater than (>) 7.24 in decimal form, greater by 0.06
1% It depends on where the decimal point is supposed to be in that question - since answers.com does not allow punctuation in the questions, try writing "point" where the decimal is supposed to be.