To write the number 70009 in words, you would say "seventy thousand nine." This is because the first two digits, 70, represent the thousands place, and the last two digits, 09, represent the units place. So, when you combine them, it becomes "seventy thousand nine."
One tenth of seventy thousand is seven thousand.
Eight million seventy thousand in numbers is 8,070,000
One million, seventy thousand, seventy.
Seventy-six thousand. 760 hundreds would be 760x100 = 76,000
two hundred and seventy thousand
Seventy thousand.
It is: seventy thousand = 70,000
seventy thousand, five hundred
As a number it is 50, 079
one hundred and seventy thousand
It is seventy thousand = 70,000
ten thousand * * * * * No, it is seventy.
The numeral 1275 is "one thousand two hundred and seventy-five."
seventy thousand. or tens of thousands