The GCF is b.
The GCF is bc.
The GCF is bc
The least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers is the smallest number that is a multiple of both numbers. In this case, the LCM of ab and bc would be the product of the two numbers divided by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is b. Therefore, the LCM of ab and bc is abc.
The GCF is b.
yes because ab plus bc is ac
The GCF is ab
The GCF is 27b.
The GCF is 27b.
All the trigonometric functions are derived from the right angled triangle. If we consider the three sides (AB, BC, CA) of a triangle and the included angle. There is a possibility of getting six functions based on the ratios like AB/AC, BC/AC, AB/BC, BC/AB, AC/BC, AC/AB . So we will have six trigonometric functions
Do you mean F = abc + abc + ac + bc + abc' ? *x+x = x F = abc + ac + bc + abc' *Rearranging F = abc + abc' + ab + bc *Factoring out ab F = ab(c+c') + ab + bc *x+x' = 1 F = ab + ab + bc *x+x = x F = bc
AB and BC are both radii of B. To prove that AB and AC are congruent: "AC and AB are both radii of B." Apex.
The GCF is bc.
The GCF is bc.
The GCF is a.