In decimal it is 170. It is the ASCII code for the ¬ character.
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If 110 is binary, and you want the answer in decimal form,110 in binary = 6 in decimal, so binary 1102 = decimal 62 = 36If 110 is decimal, and you want the answer in binary form,Decimal 1102 = 12100; decimal 12100 in binary is 10111101000100
Binary 10000111 = Decimal 135
decimal [ 123 ] = binary [ | | | | 0 | | ]
Decimal 30 = binary 11110. The decimal binary code (BCD), however, is 11 0000.
1111 in binary is 15 in decimal.
'2' Decimal code => '10' Binary code.
In hexadecimal, that would be 0x2E, which is equivalent to 46 in decimal, which in binary is 101110.
Decimal 37 expressed in binary form is 100101 (or 00100101).
In decimal it is 170. It is the ASCII code for the ¬ character.
You can easily convert decimal to binary in the scientific calculator - for example, the scientific calculator found in Windows. In this case, type the number in decimal, then click on "binary" to convert to binary.
422% = 4.22
The number 47 in binary would be 101111
(27)decimal = (1 1 0 1 1)binary
decimal value of 43