311 as a decimal is simply 311. It is already in decimal form, as it is a whole number without any fractions or decimals. In decimal notation, whole numbers are represented without any additional decimal places, so 311 remains the same when expressed as a decimal.
Its decimal "expansion" is 30, as in the question. You could express it as 30.000... except that doing so would imply a greater degree of precision.
It is 1/100.
A decimal expansion means to write out the base 10 digits of a number. Because irrational numbers do not have a closed form, the decimal expansion will always be an approximation. Consider the irrational number pi, which has the following decimal expansion: 3.14159265... Of course there are more digits to pi than that, which is denoted by the "...". It is sadly impossible to list ALL of the digits of an irrational numbers, since if there were a finite number of digits, you could express it as a fraction, which would not be irrational.
311/500 as a decimal is 0.622
14 + 311 = 325.
311/500 = 622/1000 = 0.622
311 as a decimal is simply 311. It is already in decimal form, as it is a whole number without any fractions or decimals. In decimal notation, whole numbers are represented without any additional decimal places, so 311 remains the same when expressed as a decimal.
It is: 311/500 = 0.622 by dividing the numerator by the denominator
311⁄100 = 3.11
In the decimal expansion of , the digit repeats indefinitely.
Yes, but more than that, it is an integer.
It could be 311.05 or 0.622
No, not if you want a whole number. The decimal answer is 103.67