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Its bodmas

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Q: What is the first step in simplifying an expression add sutract multiply or divide first?
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What happens when you add sutract multiply and divide integers?

When you add, subtract, or multiply integers, you get integers. When you divide one integer by another one, you may or may not get an integer.

What are the rules in simplifying series of operation on the set of whole numbers?

Parenthesis Exponents Multiply Divide Addition Subration Or, PEMDAS

What does simplify the expression mean in math?

Basically, simplifying can apply to any sort of expression from something as simple as division, or something complicated like an equation. Simplifying can be like reducing 5/10 to 1/2 or reducing 10x+5y+25 to 2x+y+5. You divide the expression by a common term, such as two or five in the previous problems

How do you evaluate expressions with fractions?

Add, subtranct, multiply, divide, do whatever the expression calls for.

What is an algebraic expression used in math?

It can be known as: Multiply, Divide, Add, and Subtract...and more.

What is an expression that uses parenthesis exponents multiply divide add subtract?

32*(3/7-5) + 31

What are the rules of multiplying and division on algebraic expression?

there are different rules to follow on how to multiply and divide algebraic expressions. but its basics concerns on what kind of terms you are using and the deep concern about its exponents. when you multiply or divide, it is very basic to utilize the distributive method, exponents are being added when we multiply, while subtracted when we divide.

4 divide by fraction 3 4?

To divide by a fraction, you need to flip the fraction and multiply. In this case, 4 divided by 3/4 is the same as 4 multiplied by 4/3. Simplifying, you get 16/3 or 5 1/3.

What is it called when you divide the numerator and the denominator of a ratio by the same factor?


What is it called when you divide the numerator and denominator by a common factor?

simplifying the fraction

What does it mean to multiply and divide fractions?

multiply and divide fractions!-.-

When you multiply or divide two rational expression the result may not always be in what form?

reduced.(in other words: simplest form) hope this helps. :)