To find the second common multiple of two numbers, you first need to identify the least common multiple (LCM) of the two numbers. The LCM is the smallest number that is a multiple of both numbers. Once you have the LCM, you can then find the second common multiple by adding the LCM to the LCM itself. This will give you the second common multiple of the two numbers.
Any three-digit multiple of 60, from 120 to 960, has the first five counting numbers as factors.
The sum of the first 100 counting numbers (1-100) is 5,001.
The smallest number evenly divisible by the numbers 1-12 is 60. 60 is also be by 0, but not by 13.
You can always find a common multiple of two numbers by multiplying them together; it will not always be the least common multiple. As one counterexample, if one of the numbers is a multiple of the other, the first number is the LCM of the two. 9 x 3 = 27 The LCM of 9 and 3 is 9. 4 x 6 = 24 The LCM of 4 and 6 is 12.
The LCM of the first twelve counting numbers is 27720
First, find the least common multiple (LCM). Then, multiply that number by successive counting numbers.
It is the lowest number that has the first ten counting numbers as factors.
To find the second common multiple of two numbers, you first need to identify the least common multiple (LCM) of the two numbers. The LCM is the smallest number that is a multiple of both numbers. Once you have the LCM, you can then find the second common multiple by adding the LCM to the LCM itself. This will give you the second common multiple of the two numbers.
1, 2, and 53, have their first common multiple of 106.
the first 2 common multiple of 18 and 32 is 288 and 576
5,10,15 6,12,18the above is true if you wanted the multiples of the numbers separately. If you were looking for the three first COMMON multiples of the numbers, they are...30, 60, 90.The first (or least common) multiple of two numbers is also equal to the product of the two numbers divided by the greatest common factor of the numbers. Since 5 is prime, and 6 is NOT a multiple of 5, then the greatest common factor is 1. Thus, the least common multiple is 30.To find the second multiple, take the first times 2, for the third, take the first times 3, etc......
The sum of the first 500 odd counting numbers is 250,000.
The sum of the first 50 counting numbers, excluding zero, is 1,251.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
Any three-digit multiple of 60, from 120 to 960, has the first five counting numbers as factors.
The sum of the first six counting numbers (1-6) is 19.