the decimjal number for Pi.
the number that never ends and never repeats the same format is called non terminating non recurring decimals
21/73.5 is equal to .285714285714285714 and so on. 285714 is repeated after the decimal and never ends
Terminating decimal
a terminating decimal, like 0.75
-- Any decimal that ends is a rational number. -- Any decimal that never ends may or may not be a rational number. -- The decimal representation of an irrational number never ends.
A non-terminating decimal.
It is a terminating decimal.
the decimjal number for Pi.
terminating and non-terminating decimal
the number that never ends and never repeats the same format is called non terminating non recurring decimals
It is a terminating decimal.
I am not sure of the specific term, but you write it like this: EX: 6.55555555555555555555-> and so on, becomes, _ 6.5
No. The decimal part of pi never ends, and there are no repeating groups of digits in it.
.888888888888888 it goes on forever and never ends.
It is a non-terminating decimal.