

Best Answer

For a die it is 1/3. For anything else (a spinner, for example), there is not enough information.

For a die it is 1/3. For anything else (a spinner, for example), there is not enough information.

For a die it is 1/3. For anything else (a spinner, for example), there is not enough information.

For a die it is 1/3. For anything else (a spinner, for example), there is not enough information.

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For a die it is 1/3. For anything else (a spinner, for example), there is not enough information.

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Q: What is the probability of rolling a number that is divisible by three given that the number is even?
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What is the smallest composite number that is not divisible by 235 or 7?

4 is the smallest composite number and it is not divisible by the two given numbers.

All numbers divisible by both 4 and 15 are also divisible by what numbers?

a number is 6. All numbers divisible by both 4 and 15 are the multiples of 4 and 15. Since 4 and 15 have no prime factor in common (4 = 22, 15 = 3 · 5), then the least common multiple of 4 and 15 is equal to their product, namely 4 · 15 = 60. Every other multiple of 4 and 15 is divisible by 60. Thus, if 60 is divisible by a number then all the multiples of 4 and 15 are divisible by that number. Therefore, it is enough to check by which number in the given options is 60 divisible. Only 6 divides 60 and none of the other do. The answer must be (A).

Which one is NOT divisible by 9 234 345 or 567?

For each given number, add the digits. If the sum comes to nine, then it is divisible by '9'. 234 ; 2 + 3 + 4 = 9 So is dividble by '9' 345 ; 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 Not divisible by '9' 567 ; 5 + 6 + 7 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 so is divisible by '9'.

What is the LCM of 42?

None. The LCM (least common multiple) is the smallest positive whole number exactly divisible by two or more given whole numbers. So, there is no LCM of 42 which is a single number...

Suppose you are given a number n and are told that 1 and the number n divide into n Does that mean n is prime?

No. All integers are divisible by 1 and themselves. Prime numbers are only divisible by 1 and themselves. Since you were not told that only 1 and n divide into n, you do not know if it is prime. Also, if n = 1, it is neither a prime number nor a composite number.

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What is the probability of rolling a given number on a die?

On a regular number cube, it is 1/6.

What is the probability of rolling a 4 on a number cube and flipping tails on a coin?

The probability of rolling any number on a cube can be represented by the formula: X / the number of variables. Since any cube has 6 sides, the probability of rolling any of the numbers 1 through 6 on the cube, can be represented by the formula: X = 1 / 6 = 16.66% The odds or probability of flipping a coin and landing it on either side can be represented by X = the requested result / the number of variables = 1 /2 = 50% Therefore, given the two questions of probability, there is a much greater chance of landing a coin on "tails" rather than rolling a "4".

What is the probability of rolling a five with a pair of dice?

There are 36 possible outcomes when we roll a pair of dice. Rolling a five can be done the following ways: 3-2, 4-1, 2-3 and 1-4. That's four ways to roll a five with one roll of the dice. The odds of rolling a five are 4 in 36, or 1 in 9. That makes the probability of rolling a five equal to 0.11111....We know that the probability of something is a ratio of the number of times it can be done to the total number of things that are possible. Probabilities range from zero to one, inclusive. If something has a probability of zero, it cannot happen. Like rolling a 13. A 13 cannot be rolled with one roll of a pair of standard dice. Thus the probability of rolling a 13 is zero, as it cannot happen.If something has a probability of one, it must happen. Like the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of a pair of dice. Since any number we roll must be either odd or even, then the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of a pair of dice is one. An odd or an even number must turn up, and that is why the probability of rolling an odd or an even number with one roll of the dice is one. Lastly, we've seen that the probability of rolling a given number with one roll of the dice is the number of times that number might appear divided by the total number of possibilities that might appear.

What is the probability of rolling a number greater than or equal to 8 with two dice given that at least one of the dice must show a 6?


What is the probability of rolling a number greater than or equal to eight with two dice given that a least one of the dice must show a 6?

It is 0.8181... recurring.

If a die is rolled 375 times and 5 occurs 80 times what is the probability of rolling a 5?

The probability of rolling a 5, based on the information given, is 80/375 or 16/75. Your problem describes a relative frequency approximation of probability.

Is 52563744 divisible by 24?

Sol: 24 = 3 x 8, where 3 and 8 are co-primes. The sum of the digits in the given number is 36, which is divisible by 3. So, the given number is divisible by 3. The number formed by the last 3 digits of the given number is 744, which is divisible by 8. So, the given number is divisible by 8. Thus, the given number is divisible by both 3 and 8, where 3 and 8 are co-primes. So, it is divisible by 3 x 8, i.e., 24.

What is the probability of rolling a number greater than or equal to 8 with the sum of two dice given that at least one of the dice must show a 6?


What is the meaning of random variable in probability distribution?

It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.It is a variable that can take a number of different values. The probability that it takes a value in any given range is determined by a random process and the value of that probability is given by the probability distribution function.

What is the probability of rolling a number less than or equal to 8 with the sum of two dice . Given that at least one of the dice must show a 6?

It is 2/11.

What is probability of rolling a sum of 3 with a pair of unfair dice with probability of 1 and 2 at 18 and the rest at 16?

The probability of any event MUST be a number between 0 and 1. It is not possible to have a probability of 18 or 16. Furthermore, given that the dice are not normal, the question should also specify how many faces they have and what numbers are on these faces.

What is the probability of getting 5 in rolling a die given that 6 has occurred already?

If it is a fair die and rolled fairly, the two events are independent so that the probability is 1/6.