3.03 is 8.2% smaller than 3.3 .
0.104 is smaller.
A proper fraction has the top number (the numerator) smaller than the bottom number (the denominator).
add a tenth of the larger number to the smaller number so the smaller number is actually the larger number or you could refare to 6 over 4 in pi over 56 = x square 2 pi But no-one understands that
No, that will indicate the percentage the smaller number is of the larger number.
The number 8 is smaller.
There are no smaller arrays. If the number of rows is smaller then the number of columns is larger and, conversely, if the number of columns is smaller then the number of rows is larger.
Divide the smaller number into the larger number. If the answer is not an integer, the smaller number is not a factor.
Neither. A for every decimal number (which may itself be a whole number), there is a smaller whole number and for every whole number there is a smaller decimal number.
Yes. the number in the 3rd decimal place is smaller so the number is smaller
No, it is smaller. Bigger number- smaller number = + number 2-1.8 = 0.2
To find this out, divide the larger number by the smaller number.To find this out, divide the larger number by the smaller number.To find this out, divide the larger number by the smaller number.To find this out, divide the larger number by the smaller number.
3.03 is 8.2% smaller than 3.3 .
Assuming this is not a trick question, 8 is the smaller number.
11647 is smaller.