To multiply two digit decimal numbers, multiply the numbers as you would without the decimals. To put the decimal in the answer, count the number of decimal places in the two numbers and put the decimal in the answer that many places to the left. For example: 5.12 x 6.35 = 32.5120. If the numbers were 51.2 x 63.5, the answer would be 3251.20.
Two: 83 and 89.
There are no two real numbers that do. Using complex numbers, these two do: (-3/2 + i√151/2) & (-3/2 - i√151/2) Two numbers that add to -3 and multiply to -40 are -8 & 5 Two numbers that add to 3 and multiply to -40 are 8 & -5 Two complex numbers that add to 3 and multiply to 40 are (3/2 + i√151/2) & (3/2 - i√151/2)
They are: 1*83 = 83
7 x 11
1 x 89, 89 x 1
The two numbers -9 + √89 (≈ 0.434) and -9 - √89 (≈ -18.434)
The number 89 is a prime number, which means it is only divisible by 1 and itself. In other words, the only numbers that can go into 89 without leaving a remainder are 1 and 89. This is because 89 does not have any other factors besides these two.
When you multiply two numbers, you get the product
1 and 89, -1 and -89
As a product of its prime factors: 5*89 = 445
When you multiply two numbers, it is called the product.
The two (or more) numbers that you multiply are called factors. (The result of the multiplication is called the product.)
89 100
They are: 2*89 = 178 and 1*178 = 178
For any two numbers, if you multiply them together, you get a common multiple.In this case, this also happens to be the LEAST common multiple, since 89 and 12 have no common prime factors.