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The Fibonacci sequence is named after Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. His 1202 book Liber Abaci introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics, although the sequence had been described earlier as Virahankanumbers in Indian mathematics.

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Q: When did Fibonacci create Fibonacci sequence?
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Is the Fibonacci sequence the golden ratio?

No, but the ratio of each term in the Fibonacci sequence to its predecessor converges to the Golden Ratio.

What is one way to decide if two numbers follow a Fibonacci sequence?

They will always follow some Fibonacci sequence. If P and Q are any two numbers, then they belong to the Fibonacci sequence with the first two numbers as P and (Q-P).

What is the first positive non Fibonacci number?

Since zero is both a positive number (defined as such), and not part of the Fibonacci sequence, then the first positive non-Fibonacci number is zero (0). If zero does not fit in you definition of positive number, then the answer would be four (4).

What are the negative Fibonacci numbers called?

The negative Fibonacci numbers (also known as the Negafibonacci numbers) consist of the Fibonacci numbers in an alternating negative and positive pattern.The start of the Negafibonacci sequence runs thus:1, -1, 2, -3, 5, -8, 13, -21...And continues in a pattern identical to the Fibonacci numbers but with alternating negative and positive numbers.

How does the golden ratio relate to the Fibonacci sequence?

The golden ratio is approximately 1.618: 1. This ratio is commonly found in nature and architecture. Stock traders often look for this ratio in patterns on stock charts. One way to compute this ratio is to compare any adjacent Fibonacci numbers. For this reason stock traders often refer to this type of analysis using the term Fibonacci, as in "Fibonacci retracements".