

Best Answer

Dr. Daisuke Takahashi and Yasumasa Kanada did their analysis of PI

at the University of Tokyo, in 1997.

Computer Centre, University of Tokyo
Bunkyo-ku Yayoi 2-11-16
Tokyo 113 Japan

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Q: Where did takahasi do the calculations of the number pi?
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Where did D takahasi and y kanada do the calculations?

In the machine

Where did takahasi and kanada calculated pi?

it in spain

Who calculated 5153960000 digits of pi in 1997?

D. Takahasi and Y. Kanada

What the 3.14 mean in pi?

3.14 is the rounding of pi. Pi is a number that goes on forever so it is just easy to do calculations with 3.14.

Would the exact calculation of pi be of any use?

Because pi is an irrational number, it cannot be calculated exactly (as a decimal), so your question is moot. However, since it can be expressed as a ratio or fraction, its "exact" value can nonetheless be used in any mathematical or physical context that requires it; it simply can't be expressed as a decimal or as a fraction. Since pi appears as the results of many calculations, the accuracy of pi affects the accuracy of the calculations, therefore the the use of more accurate calculations of pi is used when these calculations require a very small margin of error.

How many digits long is pi?

An INFINITE number. Computers have calculated 'pi' to billions of places and still going. However for everyday school learning pi = 3.14 or pi = 22/7 . For more accurate calculations pi = 3.1416 . This is used in science, technology and engineering.

What calculation use the pi number?

There are very many calculations which use pi. Many of them are in geometry: areas of circles and ellipses, volumes of solids of revolution. But there are also many applications in statistics.

Square footage for round shape?

or where is the area, and is the radius. (Pi) = 3.14159 should be close enought for most calculations. A=Pi * r * r where is the area, and is the radius. (Pi) = 3.14159 should be close enought for most calculations.

What type of computer did D Takahasi and Y Kanada use to calculate pi in 1997?

The computer was a HITACHI SR2201, and in 1999 i think they used a HITACHI SR8000 or a SR800 i cant remember tho.

What is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971?

π-Pi π=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971

How do you formulate calculations of a cone?

V = (pi*h*r^2)/3 SA = pi*r*s + pi*r^2

What type of computer did D. Takahasi and Y. Kanada use to calculate pi to 5153960000 places?

The computer was HITACHI SR2201. But in 1999, they calculated even more decimal places (206,158,430,000) with the HITACHI SR8000.