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Q: Where did D takahasi and y kanada do the calculations?
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Who calculated 5153960000 digits of pi in 1997?

D. Takahasi and Y. Kanada

What type of computer did D Takahasi and Y Kanada use to calculate pi in 1997?

The computer was a HITACHI SR2201, and in 1999 i think they used a HITACHI SR8000 or a SR800 i cant remember tho.

What type of computer did D. Takahasi and Y. Kanada use to calculate pi to 5153960000 places?

The computer was HITACHI SR2201. But in 1999, they calculated even more decimal places (206,158,430,000) with the HITACHI SR8000.

In the year 1997 D Takahashi and Y Kanada calculated PI to 15539600000 decimal places what kind of computer did they use and where did they do the calculations?

they used a HITACHI SR 2201

Where did D. Takahasi and Y. Kanada find the 51539600000 digit of pi?

It was at the Computer Centre at the University of Tokyo. Of course, their record has now been smashed. In October 2011, pi was calculated to almost 200 times as many digits: 10 trillion (and 50).

In the year 1997 D Takahashi and Y Kanada calculated PI to 5153960000 decimal places What type of computer did they use?

The computer was HITACHI SR 2201

Y were computers invented?

to do difficult calculations

If x12 and y 13 what is x-y?

The idea is to replace "x" by its value, to replace "y" by its value, and then to do the calculations.

What is a d a d d y?

a d a d d y is just a daddy aka a dad, father or papa

If x plus 2x is 5 more than y plus 2y then x-y equals?

Call the unknown value of (x - y) d. Then x = y + d; from the problem statement, y + d + 2(y + d) +5 = y + 2y; expanding yields y + d + 2y + 2d + 5 = y + 2y; (y + 2 y) can be subtracted from both sides and terms in d collected to result in 3d + 5 = 0; 3d = -5; d = -5/3.

How do you identify the y-intercept of a quadratic equation?

You replace x = 0, and do the calculations.

What is y-d equals cx in Slope-Intercept Form?

y - d = cx so d = - cx + y That is the slope-intercept form in the c-d plane. Slope = -x Intercept = y