For addition, subtraction, division and multiplication with other fractions
Change each mixed fraction to an improper fraction. Do this by multiplying the denominator by the whole number next to the fraction and then adding the numerator to the product you get. Once you do this, multiply fractions normally.
not necessarily no not unless the prompt ask you too then i suggest you shouldn't it is quite simple to do without and in my opinion MUCH easier.
improper fraction
improper fraction
an improper fraction
Convert them to improper fractions and proceed the same way you would multiply two fractions.
Change the mixed numbers into improper fractions and carry out the calculations accordingly
Change them into mixed numbers and add the integers and fractions together ensuring that the fractions have a common denominator.
You change the mixed number into an inproper fraction.
You change them into improper or topheavy fractions.
you do what makes sense given the numbers, if the fractions work out beautifully, you can just leave them as mixed numbers, otherwise it's best to keep them as improper fractions
Mixed numbers can be converted to improper fractions. Improper fractions can be added the same way proper fractions are.
turn them into improper fractions
if you have mixed numbers you make them into improper fractions before you multiply
You can't. That is a proper fraction. You can only turn improper fractions into mixed numbers
Change them to improper fractions and double them.