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The set of whole numbers is not closed under division (by non-zero whole numbers).

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

Because the set of whole numbers is not closed under division. That is, if you divide 2 by 3 then the answer is not a whole number.

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Q: Why do whole number require an extension?
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Why whole numbers require an extension?

as whole numbers does not contain negative numbers, so for denoting ( eg: deapth of the sea,etc )negative things they require an extension.

Why does integer require an extension?

Extensions are used in integers to denote that they are infinite in number.

Can a decimal number be a whole number?

No. A whole number is a number with no fractional (decimal) part. Therefore a decimal number can not be a whole number. Another view: 35.0 is a whole number AND a decimal. The fact that a number is a decimal does not automatically require it to have a fractional part. Even 35 is a decimal number (without a decimal point).

Why do whole numbers need an extension?

The first need arose when it was found that the set of whole numbers was not closed under division. That is, given whole numbers A and B (B non-zero), that, in general, A/B was not a whole number - but a fraction.

What is a whole number is a common practice when you do not require an exact value?

It is a rounded approximation or estimate.

Would -16 be a whole number?

The set of whole numbers includes all numbers greater than 0 that do not require decimals to be expressed. Because -16 is less than 0, it is not a whole number. It is an integer.

Does OSHA require a spotter for extension ladders?

Depending on the height.

Does osha require spotters for extension ladders?

Depending on the height.

When dialing an extension number do you put anything before the number?

If you are dialing another extension in the same company, you just dial the extension number. If you are dialing an extension number on a different phone system (for example, a different company, or a different location of the same company), you will need to dial something else before the extension number.

What are whole decimals?

There is no such thing as a whole decimal.A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So a decimal number can just as well be a whole number as it can be a fraction of a mixed number.

What is the phone number of the Extension Services in Manchester?

The phone number of the Extension Services is: 706-846-2186.

What is an extension number?

An extension number is a number in addition to the regular telephone number that allows a call to be directed to a particular telephone in a business. You dial the regular number, and then either ask the receptionist to connect you to the extension or give the extension number to the automated attendant. For example, to call (212) 555-0123 ext. 752, you dial the number, 1-212-555-0123, and then either ask the human receptionist for "extension 752" or key in or say "752" to the automated attendant.