The first need arose when it was found that the set of whole numbers was not closed under division. That is, given whole numbers A and B (B non-zero), that, in general, A/B was not a whole number - but a fraction.
They are representations of numbers which need not be whole numbers.
To get my GED
In the first stage, the set of all integers needs an extension - to the set of rational numbers - to get closure for division (which is the inverse operation to multiplication).
What you need to know about integers is that integers is the name for the group of numbers that include whole numbers and negative numbers. But integers DO NOT include fractions.
This answer is irrelevant because you did not explain yourself, the correct answer is,"Its important so you can separate whole numbers for parts of whole numbers."
as whole numbers does not contain negative numbers, so for denoting ( eg: deapth of the sea,etc )negative things they require an extension.
The set of whole numbers is not closed under division (by non-zero whole numbers).
They are representations of numbers which need not be whole numbers.
To get my GED
In the first stage, the set of all integers needs an extension - to the set of rational numbers - to get closure for division (which is the inverse operation to multiplication).
In the first stage, the set of all integers needs an extension - to the set of rational numbers - to get closure for division (which is the inverse operation to multiplication).
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM. And they need to be whole numbers, not fractions.
It is not. When multiplying two whole numbers you need not be concerned about placing the decimal point in the answer.
A part and a whole.
You need an extension because rational numbers are a tiny subset of all real numbers. There are transcendental numbers such as pi and e which are key to geometry and calculus (respectively), the Golden ratio, as well as all the non-rational roots of rational numbers.
What you need to know about integers is that integers is the name for the group of numbers that include whole numbers and negative numbers. But integers DO NOT include fractions.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM. And they need to be whole numbers, not decimals.