

1 over cos y is equal to?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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1/cos y = sec y

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: 1 over cos y is equal to?
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Can you please claify if you mean x=y^2/ pi*cos(x) , or x=y^2/cos(pi), since they are very different sums.

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cos2(x) - cos(x) = 2 Let y = cos(x) then y2 - y = 2 or y2 - y - 2 = 0 factorising, (y - 2)(y + 1) = 0 that is y = 2 or y = -1 Substitutng back, this would require cos(x) = 2 or cos(x) = -1 But cos(x) cannot be 2 so cos(x) = -1 Then x = cos-1(-1) => x = pi radians.

If Sin equals x and Cos equals y then x squared equals what function of y?

If x = sin θ and y = cos θ then: sin² θ + cos² θ = 1 → x² + y² = 1 → x² = 1 - y²

When are y equals sin x and y equals cos x times cos x equal?

y=sin x y=cos x cos x sin x = cos^2 x sin x = 1-sin^2 x sin x -1 + sin^2 x = 0 sin^2 x + sin x -1 = 0 Let y=sin x y^2+y-1 = 0 This equation is of form ay^2+by+c=0 a = 1 b = 1 c = -1 y=[-b+/-sqrt(b^2-4ac)]/2a] y=[-1 +/-sqrt(1^2-4(1)(-1)]/(2)(1) discriminant is b^2-4ac =5 y=[-1 +√(5)] / 2 y=[-1 -√(5)] / 2 sin x = [-1 +√(5)] / 2 x = sin^-1 [-1 +√(5)] / 2] = 0.6662394 radians x = sin^-1 [-1 -√(5)] / 2] = sin^-1 (-1.618) -- has no solution When x = 0.6662394 radians, sin x and cos x times cos x are equal.

When are y equals sin x and y equals cos x equal?

y=sinx y=cosxsinx=cosx=>sinx/cosx=1=>tanx=1=>x=45oie.. y=sin45=cos45y=1/(square root of 2)

What is cos 45?

square root 2 divided by 2 You can see this as follows: imagine a circle with radius 1. The point on the circle with angle 45 degrees, lies on the line y=x, equally far from the x-axis (cos) as the y-axis (sin), because the angle is 45 for both (because x and y are orthogonal: 90 deg). We have cos^2 + sin^2 = 1 . But from the above we know that cos(45) must be equal to sin(45), because they represent the distances to x and y axis respectively, and the point is exactly inbetween, so the distances are equal. We get cos^2 + sin^2 = cos^2 + cos^2 = 2cos^2 = 1 cos = 1/sqrt(2) = sqrt(2) / 2

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Sine sum identity: sin (x + y) = (sin x)(cos y) + (cos x)(sin y)Sine difference identity: sin (x - y) = (sin x)(cos y) - (cos x)(sin y)Cosine sum identity: cos (x + y) = (cos x)(cos y) - (sin x)(sin y)Cosine difference identity: cos (x - y) = (cos x)(cos y) + (sin x)(sin y)Tangent sum identity: tan (x + y) = [(tan x) + (tan y)]/[1 - (tan x)(tan y)]Tangent difference identity: tan (x - y) = [(tan x) - (tan y)]/[1 + (tan x)(tan y)]

What is equation that is always true?

An identity is a statement which says two quantities are equal, like as x + y = y + x or sin (x + y ) = sin x cos y + cos x sin y .

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y=3cos(x) peroid is 2pie

Find the value of y if sin y equals cos 48?

y = arcsin( cos 48 ); arcsin may be seen as sin-1 on your calculator.