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No, all functions are not Riemann integrable

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Q: Do all functions have integrals
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I assume you mean ex ? If so, by definition: ∫ex dx = ex + C Most calculus textbooks have a table of integrals which will list the integrals of other common forms of exponential & logarithmic functions.

What is the integral of sinx2?

If you mean the the integral of sin(x2)dx, It can only be represented as an infinite series or a unique set of calculus functions known as the Fresnel Integrals (Pronounced Frenel). These functions, S(x) and C(x) are the integrals of sin(x2) ans cos(x2) respectively. These two integrals have some interesting properties. To find out more, go to: I hope this answers your question.

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The integral of x^x can not be expressed using elementary functions. In fact, this is true about many integrals.

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Flux integrals, surface integrals, and line integrals!

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