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Q: Evaluate the polynomial function for f x 4 x 2 - 5 x 1 for x 5?
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How do you find the values of the polynomial function?

That all depends on the meaning of the context. If you want to determine the values of the polynomial function, then you need to substitute the value for the input variable of the function. Finally, evaluate it. For instance: f(x) = x + 2 If x = 2, then f(2) = 2 + 2 = 4.

When the zeros of a polynomial function are 1 divided by2 and negative 1 what is the function?

Any multiple of X^2+X/2-1/2

What is a zero of polynomial function?

A zero of a polynomial function - or of any function, for that matter - is a value of the independent variable (often called "x") for which the function evaluates to zero. In other words, a solution to the equation P(x) = 0. For example, if your polynomial is x2 - x, the corresponding equation is x2 - x = 0. Solutions to this equation - and thus, zeros to the polynomial - are x = 0, and x = 1.

What is a quadratic function is a function whose rule is a polynomial of degree what?

A polynomial of degree 2.

What is the difference between rational and polynomials?

A polynomial function is simply a function that is made of one or more mononomials. For example 4x^2+3x-5 A rational function is when a polynomial function is divided by another polynomial function.

What is the polynomial function of lowest degree with lead coefficient 1 and roots 1 and 1 you?


What is a zero of a function?

Assuming the polynomial is written in terms of "x": It means, what value must "x" have, for the polynomial to evaluate to zero? For example: f(x) = x2 - 5x + 6 has zeros for x = 2, and x = 3. That means that if you replace each "x" in the polynomial with 2, for example, the polynomial evaluates to zero.

How many unique roots will a third degree polynomial function have?

It can have 1, 2 or 3 unique roots.

What is a cubic polynomial function in standard form with zeros 1 -2 and 2?

It is x^3 - x^2 - 4x + 4 = 0

What is the degree of f The table shows ordered pairs for a polynomial function, fх f(x)-3 63--2 8-1 - 10 01 -12 83 63?

The table shows ordered pairs for a polynomial function, f х f(x) -3 63 --2 8 -1 - 1 0 0 1 -1 2 8 3 63 What is the degree of f?

2 x - 1 2 square?

To square an expression, multiply it by itself. And to multiply a polynomial by a polynomial, multiply each part of one polynomial by each part of the other polynomial.

How do you solve xsquared 2x minus7?

x2 + 2x - 7 is a quadratic polynomial. Every polynomial defines a function called P. Any value of x for which P(x) = 0 is a root of the equation and a zero of the function. x2 + 2x - 7 = 0 add 1 and 7 to both sides x2 + 2x + 1 = 8 (x + 1)2 = 8 take the square root of both sides x + 1 = ± √8 subtract 1 to both sides x = -1 ± 2√2 Thus, the roots of the equation are -1 - 2√2 and -1 + 2√2.