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Square 4

triangle 3

Megagon 1,000,000

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Q: Every shape possible and their names?
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It is not possible to know the names of every one she likes or dislikes.

How many names are possible for a rectangle?

Some of them are: oblong, quadrilateral, right angled parallelogram, a shape with opposite parallel sides and then their is the golden rectangle.

Is a sphere and a circle the same shape?

Sure.A circle is the shape of every possible CUT through a sphere with a flat knife.

What is the 3d shape that is totally symmetrical?

Spheres are symmetrical in every possible direction. Any way you slice or rotate the sphere from the middle, it's going to be symmetrical. There are plenty of other 3D shapes with a lot of symmetry, just not in every possible direction.

What is a definition for a irregular shape?

A shape in which every line/edge is not the same length OR A shape in which every angle is not equal

How do you prove a shape?

it a shape the sides have names 5 sides = pent

Why rainbow bent?

Because AT the location of every water droplet in the air, the anglebetween the direction to the sun and the direction to your eye mustbe the same. The only shape in which that's possible at every pointis a circle.

What shape is ribosomes?

To be as simple as possible they are in the shape of a sphere or a globe.

What is a 250sided shape called?

Just call it a 250-sided shape, or a 250-sided polygon. It just isn't very useful to find complicated-sounding names for shapes of every number of sides, especially for a large numbers of sides.

What are the names of the 5 sided shape?


What are 9 sided shape names?

Answer: nonagon.

Names of buildings that have a triangle shape?

They are pyramids