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If for every point on the horizontal axis, the graph has one and only one point corresponding to the vertical axis; then it represents a function.

Functions can not have discontinuities along the horizontal axis. Functions must return unambiguous deterministic results.

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Q: How do you determine if the graph is a function?
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What can be used to determine if a graph represents a function?

If the graph is a function, no line perpendicular to the X-axis can intersect the graph at more than one point.

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If the function is a straight line equation that passes through the graph once, then that's a function, anything on a graph is a relation!

How can you determine if a relationship between two variables is a function from a graph?

The relationship is a function if a vertical line intersects the graph at most once.

How can you tell if a function is a function?

The vertical line test can be used to determine if a graph is a function. If two points in a graph are connected with the help of a vertical line, it is not a function. If it cannot be connected, it is a function.

How do you determine whether a graph of a mathematical relationship is a function?

If a vertical line, within the domain of the function, intersects the graph in more than one points, it is not a function.

What is The test to determine if a graph is a function is?

A graph is represents a function if for every value x, there is at most one value of y = f(x).

How do you determine weather the graph represent a function?

The "vertical line test" will tell you if it is a function or not. The graph is not a function if it is possible to draw a vertical line through two points.

How do you determine whether a graph a mathematical relationship is a function?

Draw a vertical line if the line hits more than one point on the graph then it is not a function.

How can you tell whether a graph is a function or not?

A vertical line test can be used to determine whether a graph is a function or not. If a vertical line intersects the graph more than once, then the graph is not a function.

What is function if X is -1 and y is 4?

It is impossible to determine the function here. (-1,4) is just a point on a graph.

How can you tell if a graph is a function?

A graph is a function if every input (x-value) corresponds to only one output (y-value). One way to check for this is to perform the vertical line test: if a vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, the graph is not a function.