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This is a quadratic equation, and so you it falls under the rule: ax squared + bx + c. This means you need to times the 2x squared by 5, which is 10. Then you need to find the factors of ten, i.e. 2 and 5, 10 and 1. You need to find the pair of factors that add to make 7x, which would be 2 and 5. you then need to put these into the equation - it would become 2x squared + 2x (as one equation) and 5x + 5 would be another equation. we can see that 2x squared and 2x have 2x in common, and so the answer for that would be 2x (x + 1). the second equation would be 5 (x + 1). the two equations have x + 1 in common, and that would make up the first set of brackets. you then add the rest (2x +5) and your answer would be (x+1) (2x+5). FOIL is a different method used for 'easier' equations - less complicated. :)

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