If your table has two columns--the left one listing various values for x, the "input," and the right one listing corresponding f(x) "output" values, let's say--make sure that there is only one output for every input: meaning there is only one number in each row of the right column.
The [ 2x + 1 ] represents a function of 'y' .
If the graph is a function, no line perpendicular to the X-axis can intersect the graph at more than one point.
y0(x) could represent a function of x but usually y(0) represents the function y that is evaluated at x = 0 and so is no longer a function of x but a constant.
A derivative of a function represents that equation's slope at any given point on its graph.
take a vertical line, if another line intersects that vertical line at 2 points, then it is a function.In other words,a graph represents a function if each vertical line meets its graph in a unique point.
Because f represents a function.
A virtual function table is a table of pointers to functions.
a function table is a table used to find number pairs
All symbols in the periodic table begin with UPPER CASE letters. K in the periodic table represents the element POTASSIUM.
i dont know lol
a table used to show values of the variable expression for a given function
a table organizing the input rule output of a function
The MATCH function can find the position of an item in a table.
In Mendeleev's periodic table, "J" represents iodine (I).
If it is boolean logic, typically that is called a Truth Table.
A row represents a record and a column represents a field.