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The formula for the frequency of the pendulum is w2=g/l

if you wish to double your period w1, you want to have w2 = 2*w1

The needed length of the pendulum is then l2 = g / w22 = g /(4 * w12) = 0.25 * g / w12 = 0.25 * l1

l2 / l1 = 1/4

You must shorten the length of the pendulum to 1/4 of its former size.

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Q: How must the length of a pendulum be changed to double it's period?
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A shorter pendulum has a shorter period. A longer pendulum has a longer period.

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A longer pendulum has a longer period.

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multiply the length of the pendulum by 4, the period doubles. the period is proportional to the square of the pendulum length.

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A longer pendulum has a longer period. A more massive pendulum has a longer period.

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Increase the length of the pendulum

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The period is directly proportional to the square root of the length.

What happens to the period of a pendulum when the mass is doubled?

When the length of a pendulum is increased, by any amount, its Time Period increases. i.e. it moves more slowly. Conversely, if the length is decreased, by any amount, its Time Period decreases. i.e. it moves faster.

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The length of the pendulum and the gravitational pull.

Does the length of pendulum affect the period of vibration?

Yes. Given a constant for gravity, the period of the pendulum is a function of it's length to the center of mass. In a higher gravity, the period would be shorter for the same length of pendulum.