All means are not equal so the question is based on some misunderstanding.
No, it is not. One kg is a measure of mass while one (by itself) is a pure number - and that is a concept and has no mass at all.
Any monomial in the format: axn has a derivative equal to: nax(n - 1) In this case, "a" is equal to 1 and "n" is equal to 2. So the derivative of x2 is equal to 2x.
what is c, x + 2y, x+y equal to or greater than 8, x equal to or greater than 3, y equal to or greater than 0.
It is equal to 10 million: not more, not less.
Not unless all angles are also equal. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. A rectangle is a parallelogram with all angles equal. A square is a rhombus with all angles equal which is a parallelogram with all sides equal and all angles equal.
This would be a square. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. A square is a rhombus with all angles equal (to 90°)
no, all sides are equal but only all opposite angles are equal, except the special case of a square where all angles are equal to 90 degrees
yes all are equal in the eyes of God
It is a rhombus which has 2 equal acute angles and 2 equal obtuse angles
All three angles are equal. All three sides are equal in length in an equilateral triangle.
No, all sides are UNEQUAL. Nope, all different. All sides equal would be equilateral which means "equal sides"
A square is a four-sided shape with all sides equal and all angles equal.
Yes they are all equal
A parallelogram where all sides are equal is a square.
All the angles in a parallelogram can be equal, but are not always.
No shape is a square but not a parallelogram as all squares are parallelograms: All parallelograms have opposite sides parallel and of equal length, and opposite angles are equal. All squares have opposite sides that are parallel and of equal length, and opposite angles are equal; thus all squares are parallelograms. However, all squares also have all angles equal to 90o and all four sides equal, but some parallelograms have angles not all 90o and/or not all four sides of equal length; thus not all parallelograms are squares.