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2x + 3y = 12

5y = x + 7

Express both equations as functions of x, that is the form y = ..., and find the intersection point.

y = (-2/3)x + 4

y = x/5 + 7/5

(-2/3)x + 4 = x/5 + 7/5

(-2/3)x - x/5 = 7/5 - 4 multiply both sides by the common denominator, 15

-10x - 3x = 21 - 60

- 13x = -39 divide by -13 to both sides

x = 3

To find the value of y, substitute 3 for x in one of the given equations.

y = (-2/3)x + 4

y = (-2/3)(3) + 4

y = -2 + 4

y = 2

Thus, the intersection point (3,2) satisfies both equations, and this point lies on both lines.


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Q: Which of these points lie on both the lines 2x plus 3y equals 12 and 5y equals x plus 7?
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