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tessellations are designs that are based on a shape that regularly tiles smoothly, such as squares or hexagons. Geometrically, this guarantees that all the space is accounted for, and that the shapes should fit together ( though not necessarily smoothly). If you take a square or hexagon (or any other regular shape that fits together by itself) and cut out parts of it using scissors, then attach the cut out parts on the opposite edge of the square from which they were removed, you should end up with a working tessellation.

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Q: Why do only some shapes tessellate?
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What shapes don't tessellate?

I believe that regular shapes will only tessellate if the sum of their internal angles is a multiple of 180.

Do all shapes tessellate?

No not all shapes tessellate.

Why can only some shapes tessellate?

Shapes can tessellate only if a number of them can meet at a point and cover 360 degrees without overlap. For regular shapes this requires that the angles of the shape are a factor of 360 degrees. For non-regular shapes it is necessary that the angles of the shapes can be grouped so that they sum to 360 degrees.

How 3D shape tessellate?

Some 3D shapes will tessellate as for example a brick wall

How do you create a quilt only using geometric shapes?

Select a shape that tessellates. Some shapes will tessellate by themselves, others will tessellate in pairs (octagons and squares), or larger groups. See the link for a flavour.

Can a square tessellate?

noX YES! They CAN tessellate! Triangles, squares, and hexagons are the only shapes that can tessellate by themselves! So yes, squares can tesselate!

Which polygons tessellate with other shapes?

For any polygon, there will be other shapes such that, together, they can tessellate.

Why do regular shapes only tessellate?

Me ain no a ting bout dat

Can a regular nonogon tessellate?

yes, most regular shapes can tessellate :)

Does a dodecagon tessellate?

Yes it does tessellate. * * * * * That is simply not true. No polygon with 7 or more sides will tessellate with identical shapes.

Can 2 shapes tessellate?


Will a trapezium and a triangle tessellate together?

If their shapes are suitably matched they can tessellate together.