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No, today virtually all networks use some variation of a star topology. It's far less subject to failure.

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Q: Does Ethernet use ring topology
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What is the logical topology used for ethernet architecture?

Topology: physical ring of trees, logical ring

What is the most popular Ethernet topology?

The "star" topology is the most common.

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What type of topology does Ethernet use?


Do Ethernet networks normally use star topology?

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What is topology and which of the most commonly used topology these days and why?

Ethernet is easily the most common topology having replaced token ring in the 90's. Simply because of it's ease of use with CAT5 cabling, cheap networking hardware and not needing any termination.

On which topology are Ethernet and AppleTalk based?

Bus topology

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What network use star topology?

Star topology:- In this topology all PC are connected with the central device. Central may be HUB and SWITCH. Star widely use in all over word. Ring topology:- In this ring topology all PC are connected in the frame of ring are close Ring topology use MSAU each PC has a two never road one is called up Stream and called down stream. It used token passing Matterhorn which implement the token ring network. " Is the best of star topology".

SONET uses which topology?

SONET use RING physical topology and TOKEN logical topology. As simple as that. Logical topology deals with the data transmission. Physical topology deals with how the network is connected physically , BUS, RING, STAR and the like.

What protocols should be used fro a star-bus topology?

1.) Mesh topology:- Routing protocol such as RIP(routing information protocol) or OSPF (open shortest path protocol) is used. 2.) Star topology:- Ethernet, token ring, Local Talk, ATM........... all are used... 3.)Bus topology:- Ethernet protocol using CS-MA/CD as access method.....

Which architecture and physical topology should the technician use for supporting this access control method?

Ethernet and Star