The key should be on the top row of your keyboard on the right hand side on the same key as the = sign.
To get the plus (+) symbol press control and the key with both = and + on it.
Should be ~ to press the "Shift" key and the key with the (+) and (=) sign together or just use the number pad on the right side of the full keyboard with the (+) sign.
press function (Fn) + P
The plus sign (+) should be at the top of your keyboard. If there is another symbol below it on the same key, then you need to hit "shift" and the "+" sign so it won't print the other symbol that's below it. The minus sign ( - ) should also be at the top of your keyboard. The same instructions apply to it as to the + sign.
In addition and subtraction, if the plus sign is larger than the minus sign, then it's a plus. For example: +10 minus -20 = -10 If the plus sign is smaller than the minus sign, the answer will be a minus. For example: -10 minus + 20 = -10 In multiplication, if you have 2 plus signs, the answer will be a plus sign. If you have 2 minus signs, the answer will be a plus sign then, too. But if you have a plus and a minus sign, then the answer will be a minus. For example: +5 x + 2 = +10 -5 x - 2 = +10 -5 x +2 = -10
The person who invented the plus sign is the same as the minus
A plus times a plus is still a plus. Below is the way I remembered it: If there is not a minus sign, it is plus (positive). If there is 1 minus sign, it is minus (negative). If there are 2 minus signs, it is plus (positive).
Shift-Option-Plus (+) will produce the ± symbol on a Mac.
If you mean the ADDITIVE INVERSE, change the minus sign to a plus sign. (And if you see a plus sign, you change it to a minus sign.)
The button to the immediate right of the 0. no shift.
It indicates "plus or minus".
Well, sweetheart, it's not rocket science. To make a plus sign on a TI-84 calculator, you simply press the "+" key. And to make a minus sign, you press the "-" key. It's as easy as pie, so go ahead and crunch those numbers with confidence.
To find the additive inverse of any number, just change the plus sign (or no sign) to a minus sign, or (as in this case), if there already is a minus sign, change it to a plus sign (or no sign).
Additive inverse means that you are supposed to change the sign:* If there is a plus sign (or no sign at all), change it to a minus. * If there is a minus sign (as in this case), change it to a plus (or no sign).