

Were is the minus sign on keyboard?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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to the right of the 'zero', lower-case of the 'underscore' key

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Q: Were is the minus sign on keyboard?
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How do you make plus or minus sign with MS keyboard?

press function (Fn) + P

How do you type plus and minus signs?

The plus sign (+) should be at the top of your keyboard. If there is another symbol below it on the same key, then you need to hit "shift" and the "+" sign so it won't print the other symbol that's below it. The minus sign ( - ) should also be at the top of your keyboard. The same instructions apply to it as to the + sign.

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Negative seven Negative 7 -seven -7 (just add a minus sign)

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" ; " <------------- This is THE period sign on keyboard!!

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The hyphen is a dash used to separate the syllables in hyphenated words such as built-in. On a keyboard, the minus sign is used to make a hyphen.

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What are two ways that a negative dollar value can be formatted in Excel?

You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.You can format it to have a minus sign before it or to format to be red.

How do you make a minus sign with the keyboard?

The button to the immediate right of the 0. no shift.

How do you make a plus minus sign with the keyboard?

The key should be on the top row of your keyboard on the right hand side on the same key as the = sign.To get the plus (+) symbol press control and the key with both = and + on it.Should be ~ to press the "Shift" key and the key with the (+) and (=) sign together or just use the number pad on the right side of the full keyboard with the (+) sign.

How do you use a decimal sign on keyboard?

A decimal sign on a keyboard would simply be a period.

What what does a hyphen look like?

A hyphen (also known as a dash or minus sign) looks like this: - On most standard QWERTY-style computer keyboards, a hyphen or dash appears above the letter 'P' and to the right of the number zero. It may also appear on the keyboard's number pad as a minus sign.

What does a hyphen look like?

A hyphen (also known as a dash or minus sign) looks like this: - On most standard QWERTY-style computer keyboards, a hyphen or dash appears above the letter 'P' and to the right of the number zero. It may also appear on the keyboard's number pad as a minus sign.