Chracters are represented using binary digit combinations. For example the ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange is one such encoding.
Computers use binary logic to process information.
Answer - Each key on the keyboard is assigned a binary equivalent ( ANCII Standands ) when you hit a key on the keyboard the CPU translates it into binary, stores it and then translates it back to decimal to put the corresponding letter on the monitor. AnswerEach key on the keyboard is assigned a binary equivalent ( ANCII Standands ) when you hit a key on the keyboard the CPU translates it into binary, stores it and then translates it back to decimal to put the corresponding letter on the monitor.
Binary numbers, with or without a computer are a series of 1's and 0's.
ALL computers are binary machines !
Computers use the binary system because, electrically, it is the simplest system to use. With the binary system, there are only two types of electrical states: on and off. With other systems, there would have to be different voltages that signify different numbers.
No Mitchell
They convert the signals from your keyboard into binary strings, so that your computer can process them.
yes, computers do understand the data they process, they are able to do this because of the processor all computers have in their circuit.
Computers only know two characters which are 1 and 0. The computer runs on a binary number system. The order of 1's and 0's determine what letter or number is displayed or read.
Computers store and process data in binary form: current on or off, location magnetised or not, laser reader hits a pit or not.
For most digital computers at the lowest level, they work in binary. Experimental multilevel computers have been built and analogue computers don't work in binary.