This cannot be done. A cubic meter is a volume and a square meter is an area.
1 meter X 1meter x 1meter, A cube
Impossible!!! Cubic meter is a volume measure and square meter is a measure of area!!!
Liters are per definition the amount of cubic decimeters. So that means, because 1 cubic meter is 1000 cubic decimeters, 1000 liters of water are in one cubic meter area.
it is impossible. square meter is a unit of area and cubic meter is of volume.
1 (cubic meter) = 35.3146667 cubic feet.
Square meters is a measurement of area. Cubic meter is a measurement of volume. One has little to do with the other.
There area 264.2 (US) gallons of water in one cubic meter of volume.
Invalid conversion: square meters is a measure of area and cubic meters is a measure of volume.
Oh honey, a cubic meter is a unit of volume, not area. It's like comparing apples to oranges. You can't convert cubic meters directly to square meters. It's like asking how many cats are in a dozen eggs. Just not gonna happen, sweetie.
Grams are a measure of weight, a square meter is a measure of area, and a cubic meter is a measure of volume. These are not comparable.