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Assuming road planings are asphalt concrete the mass of one metre cube volume is 2140 kilogrammes.

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Q: Weight of cubic meter road planings?
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What is the weight of road base per cubic meter?

1.5 ton

1 cubic meter of road base equals how many ton?

The weight of road base can vary depending on the specific material used. On average, crushed stone typically weighs between 1.6 to 2.2 tons per cubic meter. Therefore, 1 cubic meter of road base would generally equal between 1.6 to 2.2 tons, depending on the specific composition and density of the material used.

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Road salt can mean many things. Some cities/countries use sodium chloride, some use calcium chloride. Anti-caking agents like sodium ferrocyanide are added to prevent clumping. That said, the weight of a volume of "road salt" be approximated by using using the density of ordinary salt, which is 2.165 grams per cubic centimeter. After dimensional analysis, you get a rough estimate of 3,650 pounds per cubic yard.

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The weight of cubic road mix can vary depending on its specific composition (e.g., type of aggregate, binder content). On average, a cubic yard of typical road mix can weigh between 2,000 to 2,800 pounds (1 to 1.4 tons). It is important to consult with a local supplier for the most accurate weight information based on your specific mix.

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It's usually between 130-135 lbs per cubic foot, depending on quarry, etc. etc.Converted to cubic yards (x27) = 3510 - 3645 lbs. per cubic yard

What does 1 cubic yard of road gravel weight?

About 2,700 pounds. Actually weight can vary up or down depending on how finely the stone is crushed, water content and the type of stone.

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About 25 cubic feet, or almost one cubic yard. Road salt weighs 80 pounds per cubic foot

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5 cubic feet

Need to convert 53.33 cubic yards of road base materials to tons?

You have to know what the material weighs per ton. The weight will be different depending on the material used. once you know the weight per ton, Multiply it times 53.33

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